Request for Information: 2024 Queue Cluster 15 Commercial Interest Allocation

1. Introduction

Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. (“Constellation”) is requesting information regarding Cluster 15 projects and to provide those projects an opportunity to receive Commercial Interest Points from Constellation under the California Independent System Operator (“CAISO”) Interconnection Process Enhancements initiative. Responses ("Proposals") are kindly requested no later than October 14, 2024 and should be submitted to

RFI Documents: This request for information ("RFI") consists of the protocol contained within this document, and Appendix A, the Offer Form. Among other things, this protocol offers general information pertaining to this RFI, including but not limited to describing the purpose of this RFI, which includes a schedule outlining the preparation and submission of Proposals. Additionally, information regarding RFI communications with Constellation and a high-level overview of the process for evaluating and selecting Proposals submitted in response to this RFI are attached herein. 

RFI Website: This RFI and related material and information are posted and available for review on this page. The website may be updated periodically with additional information related to the RFI. Interested persons are responsible for monitoring the website to ensure the timely receipt of new information.

2. RFI Overview

Purpose: Proposals offered will be evaluated for their ability to meet Constellation portfolio targets in accordance with the terms of this RFI based on the criteria below.

Eligible Resources, Products Sought and Preferred Terms 

Eligible Resources

New renewable energy resources, or expansions of existing resources, including but not limited to solar, storage, geothermal, wind or other RPS-eligible resources.

Project Location

Within CAISO or pseudo-tied into CAISO.


Constellation is open to the following products or combination of products:

  • RA-only
  • Bundled Index Energy and PCC1 RECs
  • Fully Bundled Product, including Energy, Environmental Attributes/Renewable Energy Credits (RECs), and RA, or
  • Other product structures.


Minimum of 10 years from COD.

Seller Credit


3. RFI Schedule1

RFI Schedule: The schedule below provides important dates for respondents interested in participating in this RFI. This schedule is subject to change at Constellation’s sole discretion. Please check Constellation’s website for updates.


Schedule Date

Issuance of RFI

October 1, 2024

Submittal Deadline

October 14, 2024

Constellation’s LSE commercial interest point allocation information due to CAISO

No later than December 23, 2024

4. RFI Questions

RFI Questions: Respondents and other interested persons are encouraged to submit questions to Interested persons are advised to submit questions promptly to ensure a timely response from Constellation. 

5. Proposal Submission

Submission: Constellation requests that each respondent submit its Proposal(s) in the format described below to Constellation to have its Proposal(s) evaluated under this RFI. Under the current schedule, respondents are asked to submit a completed Proposal by 5:00 PM PST on October 14, 2024.

Proposal Requirements: The following is a list of requirements for Proposals in this RFI process: 

a. Proposal received by 5:00 PM PST on October 14, 2024.

b. Proposal contains a completed Appendix A.

c. Appendix A received as an Excel spreadsheet.

d. It is the duty of the proposer to contact Constellation for clarification regarding completion of Appendix A.

e. After receipt of Appendix A, Constellation may contact a respondent to request clarification regarding its Proposal. Respondents will have a maximum of three business days to respond back to Constellation or their Proposals will be removed from consideration.

6. Proposal Review and Evaluation

The respondent submitting the Proposal with resources that most effectively meet Constellation’s portfolio needs, as determined by Constellation in its sole discretion, will be contacted for negotiations of a Commercial Interest Point Allocation Agreement. The following criteria will be considered in evaluating bids: 

  • Respondent Experience    
    • Experience developing projects within CAISO
    • Respondent’s credit
  • Project Viability
    • COD
    • Construction timeline
    • Permitting and status of site control
  • Location
    • TPD eligibility status
    • Interconnection information
  • Technology 
    • New renewable energy
    • Energy storage resources
    • Geothermal resources
    • RPS eligible resources 

Review of Results: If Constellation chooses to move forward with a respondent’s Proposal, Constellation will provide respondent with an agreement as a starting point for negotiations.

Disclaimer: Constellation reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any and all Proposals submitted in response to this RFI, for any reason(s) whatsoever. In addition, Constellation also reserves the right to accept other than the Proposal with the most attractive pricing, to pursue more than one Proposal, to waive any technical non-compliance in any Proposal, and to conduct further negotiations with any respondent. This RFI, and any documents submitted in response thereto, do not constitute and will not give rise to any legally binding obligation on the part of Constellation. Constellation does not intend to be bound by the terms of this RFI, and associated documents, unless and until Constellation and a respondent(s) negotiate, agree to and sign a definitive written agreement, with appropriate credit assurances and other terms and conditions, material and otherwise, which terms and conditions may vary from the information contained in this document.

Appendix A: Offer Form

Constellation has posted the RFI Offer Form here. If the respondent(s) have any issues accessing the document or questions, please direct all inquiries to


[1] The current RFI Schedule is based on the proposal contained in the filing submitted by the California Independent System Operator Corporation (CAISO) in Docket No. ER24-2671 at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). To the extent that FERC takes action on the CAISO filing that alters the timing or substance of the RFI, Constellation reserves the right to likewise revise the RFI and/or the RFI Schedule.